The game where AI judges your drawing skills.
Those who watch Nintendo closely probably got a whiff of déjà vu from today’s announcement of Nintendo Labo, its new…
Hello all you florescent death antelopes, and welcome to Ask Dr. NerdLove, the only dating advice column to win that…
Hello, intertube horrormonkey swarms, and welcome to Ask Dr. NerdLove, the only dating advice column coming to you…
Super Mario Bros. is available on the Switch! Well, a long-forgotten version of it, anyway, that’s probably not the…
Hello all you exploding bed cobras, and welcome to Ask Dr. NerdLove, the only dating advice column ready to give you…
The desert. Unanimously voted “the place nobody really wants to be” every year since the beginning of time, it might…
South Korean toy company Blitzway has created the perfect accessory for its line of 12-inch premium original Ghostbusters figures
On Nintendo’s Japanese website, there is a page called “Other Products” (その他の商品). It’s fascinating.
Bloodborne’s Lovecraftian setting is full of creative enemies, from multi-eyed brain beasts to half flayed wolf…