I would love to have been a fly on the wall during the pitch meeting for Dishonored. "Well, it's Deus Ex meets BioSho…
Trademarked title in Japan by Bandai Namco.
I would love to have been a fly on the wall during the pitch meeting for Dishonored. "Well, it's Deus Ex meets BioSho…
I would never have expected 2012 to turn out to be such a phenomenal year to be an adventure game fan. And yet, here…
Which would you rather have, a grungy old black-and-white Wario game, a dollar off a classic Mario game, or a…
The unfortunately-named Lemmings-style survival puzzler Save the Furries makes its WiiWare debut this week, leading…
It's time to put a smile on your face and a dangerously high level of cholesterol in your arteries! It's time to…
Pork belly prices have been dropping all morning, which means that everybody is waiting for it to hit rock bottom,…
The forever-rumored reboot of EA's Syndicate franchise, originally created by the defunct Bullfrog Productions in…
You collect coins. You then use those coins to get extra lives or buy things. Get used to it, because that's the way…
James Cameron Commands You to Pay Attention to His Name Over the Game Titled Avatar is a five-platform release this…
Call of Juarez: Bound in Blood is coming to the PC, Playstation 3 and Xbox 360 this year, Ubisoft announced today.