CultureNewsCultureNewsXbox Announces A Solid Month For Game Pass, Adding Dead Space And MoreGuilty Gear Strive is already available, but a lot more is comingByAshley BardhanPublishedMarch 7, 2023
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CultureNewsCultureNewsDark Forces II: Jedi Knight Levels Remade In Unreal, Actually PlayableYou can download the thing and play two of the game's levels right nowByLuke PlunkettPublishedFebruary 7, 2023
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CultureTotal RecallCultureTotal RecallThe Story Of Nintendo's Favorite Football TeamWhile many know of Nintendo's connections to the Seattle Mariners, this football club are a little closer to homeByLuke PlunkettPublishedFebruary 2, 2023
AnimeAnime14 Anime Couples Who Were Better Off Without Each OtherWhen Lady Gaga wrote ‘Bad Romance’ she was talking about couples in Death Note, Legend of Korra, and NarutoByIsaiah ColbertPublishedFebruary 2, 2023
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