If you’ve played an hour in one Dynasty Warriors game you’ve played an hour in all of them. That’s been the…
All the Latest Game Footage and Images from Gate Zero
Travel through time to ancient Israel in this compelling story-rich adventure. Explore a rich historical world as you engage with familiar events from the 1st century. Gather resources to help the locals, use stealth to avoid danger, and unlock riddles to unravel an age-old secret.
If you’ve played an hour in one Dynasty Warriors game you’ve played an hour in all of them. That’s been the…
The release calandar is ramping up with two of 2018's most anticipated games dropping this week: Dragon Ball FighterZ…
Fighting game veteran Daigo Umehara hosted a series of high-level exhibitions earlier this week as part of his new…
“He who controls the Spice controls the universe.” Okay, Spice doesn’t exist in EVE Online, but just the same, rare…
I’ve put 81 hours into Divinity: Original Sin 2 over the last 12 days. When I wasn’t playing, I was thinking about…
Before the emergence of online stores, if you wanted to play old video games and they weren’t available locally,…
Hey, there’s a new Mass Effect game out this week! How about that. While Mass Effect: Andromeda tells a story…
Out of hundreds of potential choices, competitive Pokémon players can only bring six Alolan monsters into a…
The PS4 samurai action game Nioh is out today. It is really good. It’s also really difficult. If you want to play it…