I play action games, RPGs, puzzle games, adventure games, and games from pretty much every other genre. But the…
Open a gachapon and see where life takes you! Gacha is a cute, cosy game that takes the player through snapshots of a coming-of-age experience. There are many collectible toys to unlock and experiences to discover. We hope you enjoy it! Thank you Developed for Ludum Dare 44, with theme being "Your life is currency"
I play action games, RPGs, puzzle games, adventure games, and games from pretty much every other genre. But the…
Dissidia Final Fantasy NT for the PlayStation 4 is a competitive real-time action game in which two teams of three…
I am acutely aware of all the ways in which hot anime boy rhythm game Uta No Prince Sama: Shining Live is pandering…
Fate: Grand Order is a mobile game about amassing an army of ridiculous heroes based on historical figures like King…
The market for loot boxes in Second Life has taken a hit as hackers use exploits to duplicate their contents and sell them at a discount according to a report by PC Gamer. The in-game makers of “gacha” gambling overlays say the cheating persists despite attempts by publisher Linden Lab to stop it.
This year, some things were unexpectedly good. But a lot of things sucked, too. Let’s put all those sucky things…
Imagine a 17-year-old gamer tossing a copy of the Teen-rated Star Wars Battlefront 2 onto his local GameStop’s…
So far, Nintendo’s mobile offerings have been pretty good. They’re also frustrating.
Twitch has introduced loot crates for Halloween which offer temporary emotes. The crates offer random rewards, as…
The influx of randomized loot boxes into games like Shadow of War and Star Wars Battlefront II has kicked off a…