Rockstar’s latest free update for GTA Online, The Southern San Andreas Supersport Series, adds a racing mode that…
Rockstar’s latest free update for GTA Online, The Southern San Andreas Supersport Series, adds a racing mode that…
Sonic the Hedgehog: Battle Racers is a new board game that’s all Sonic characters. Gotta go fast, etc etc. It’s up on Kickstarter now.
A line of sleek sports cars pulls into a small parking lot outside of a Los Santos Customs garage. The drivers get…
In 1982, video game score-chaser Todd Rogers supposedly set a world record time of 5.51 seconds in the Atari 2600…
One of the most extraordinary facts about Mega Man 2 is that it almost didn’t happen. Sales of the first Mega Man wer…
Every single time you do a drift in Mario Kart, you charge up a speed boost that unleashes when you exit the drift.…
Games have a zombie problem. They can be your basic slow shamblers or your fast berserkers, but whatever variation…
Green Hill Zone’s loop-de-loops and tropical scenery make for one of the most iconic stages in Sonic The Hedgehog. So…
Twenty eight Super Mario Maker creators have banded together and created an exhaustive series of courses push the…
Zlatan Ibrahimovic, a gift from the heavens to the game of football, has a new video game out. And there’s not a…