Toward the end of my time with pirate RPG Pillars of Eternity II, one of my crew members, foul-mouthed furball…
All the Latest Game Footage and Images from Epic Dragon
Epic Dragon is an arcade-style game in which the player controls the Dragon Faby (Endless Game) , which moves persistently to the right. The player is tasked with navigating Faby through pairs of pipes that have equally sized gaps placed at random heights.
Toward the end of my time with pirate RPG Pillars of Eternity II, one of my crew members, foul-mouthed furball…
Monster Hunter: World is chock full of fun given its potential for multiplayer shenanigans. Yes, its battles are…
Not a day goes by without me hearing about some out of control tale of backstabbing, revenge, and giant monsters…
If you’re into games yourself, playing video games with kids can be one of the great joys of parenthood (or…
Today on Highlight Reel we have Dragon Ball FighterZ mods, Shadow of the Colossus acrobatics, Fortnite plays, and…
Yesterday I made the hardest choice in Dragon Age: Inquisition. I decided not to romance Iron Bull.
Today on Highlight Reel we have Monster Hunter clips, suggestive Battlegrounds glitches, NHL celebrations, and much…
I never thought my favorite part of a Hironobu Sakaguchi game would be the battle system, especially since Final…
For Monster Hunter fans, the way that you describe the game to others has never really lined up with how it actually…