In 2017 most video game consoles look pretty similar: black boxes of varying size aimed at being as discrete as…
In 2017 most video game consoles look pretty similar: black boxes of varying size aimed at being as discrete as…
Last week, I got an e-mail from a reader named Ben. “I was just wondering if you and your team had any advice for…
Fire Emblem Heroes is a lot of things—a horny casino, a frustrating free to play racket, and a surprisingly complex…
Gravity Rush 2 is out today on PS4. I had mixed feelings about the game in general, but I do like a lot of things…
Talking—and talking well—is the weapon of choice in the MMO Ever, Jane. In its open beta, the Jane Austen-themed…
After a two-month-long hiatus, Blizzard just released their first-person shooter named after an XCOM defensive…
How could a powerful military force like the Empire lose to a scruffy band of rebel scum and a handful of teddy…
A couple of days ago at a shopping mall likely quite close by Build-A-Bear Workshop started selling official Star Wars…
I gotta say, CD Projekt Red is killing it with all the free stuff they keep adding to The Witcher 3.
"I started this game collecting trash," my character quipped late in Sunset Overdrive, "and now I'm collecting trash…