UFC star Ronda Rousey held an “Ask Me Anything” crowd interview on Reddit today, and almost immediately, she…
All the Latest Game Footage and Images from Dragon Ball Z
Dragon Ball Z is a fighting game designed and manufactured in Japan by Banpresto in 1993. The game's cabinet is shaped like a robot with markings similar to Goku's gi (suit). The game features large sprites and a color palete that is identical Toriyama's water color scheme in the manga. The environments are semi destructible as chunks of wall or ground could be destroyed. The controls are unique as most of the characters movements are flight related. The playable characters are Goku, Super Saiyan Goku, Gohan, Vegeta, Piccolo, Frieza, Captain Ginyu, Recoome, and Burter.
UFC star Ronda Rousey held an “Ask Me Anything” crowd interview on Reddit today, and almost immediately, she…
“She also scares me,” said the Prince of All Saiyans.
YouTuber Hoolopee remade the first battle between Vegeta and Son Goku from Dragon Ball Z’s Saiyan Saga using only…
Now that’s some cool-looking combat.
To celebrate the North American release of Dragon Ball Z: Resurrection F, Sydney-based Deerstalker Pictures made a…
Characters die and come back to life all the time in Dragon Ball. It’s a pretty bloody series overall and it can be…
It’s summertime! And you know what that means? New anime—47 of them to be exact. But with so many anime, how do you…
There’s a good reason why Frieza doesn’t usually have nipples. Make that, two reasons.
Goku, Vegeta, Piccolo, Gohan, Goten, and Trunks—they’re all there! My middle-school self is so happy right now, you…
The never-ending battle between the forces of heaven and hell can get pretty messy at times, I’ve learned.