That’s the last time I am typing out that subtitle.
All the Latest Game Footage and Images from Dragon Ball Z
Dragon Ball Z is a fighting game designed and manufactured in Japan by Banpresto in 1993. The game's cabinet is shaped like a robot with markings similar to Goku's gi (suit). The game features large sprites and a color palete that is identical Toriyama's water color scheme in the manga. The environments are semi destructible as chunks of wall or ground could be destroyed. The controls are unique as most of the characters movements are flight related. The playable characters are Goku, Super Saiyan Goku, Gohan, Vegeta, Piccolo, Frieza, Captain Ginyu, Recoome, and Burter.
That’s the last time I am typing out that subtitle.
It’s an amazingly choreographed battle scene of two hands... dressed as Goku and Frieza from Dragon Ball Z by HigaTV.
Edgar Gómez’s Dragon Ball Z fan art transforms the villains into characters from a Spawn comic or a horror game.…
Here’s a simple yet sweet Dragon Ball tribute made by Eddie Stilson in Super Mario Maker.
DBZ Tribute is not an official project—but damn if it doesn’t look hot anyway.
With various mature-themed series and the growing number of over-their-heads kids shows, it has never been a better…
Who do you think would win in a fight: Goku or Ryu? What about Goku versus Chun-Li? Or against Guile?
Costumes can be hard work. If you really like Dragon Ball Z, want to dress up, and are kind of lazy, here are masks…
This is not official art. It’s fan art. Pixiv member Kanon Kamishima created the piece and uploaded it in 2013. This…
Anime shows are a team effort. There are many people involved in the making of your favorite show, each with their…