Historical game sales data can be hard to come by, so I was quite interested to see NPD analyst Mat Piscatella tweet…
Retro arcade racing game.
Historical game sales data can be hard to come by, so I was quite interested to see NPD analyst Mat Piscatella tweet…
People poured money into a Kickstarter for a spiritual successor to the 1998 Nintendo 64 game Banjo-Kazooie. Why?…
E3, a show in which the future of gaming pretends to be in the present, is in the past. Those demos that may or may…
Mario may be known for his background as a plumber, or his recent adventure as a body-snatching fashionista, but…
I think we all took the Xbox 360 for granted. Other all-time greats like the SNES and PS2 seem to be remembered more…
Matthias Rustemeyer has been trying to collect every individual Mario Kart 64 course world record for half a decade,…
A piping hot new E3 rumor suggests that Retro Studios, the Nintendo-owned developer behind the Metroid Prime…
It’s time to settle which of Nintendo’s simian superstars is truly top banana.
Giant robots and snow-covered landscapes are great science fiction, and we’re getting both of those in this week’s…
In 1982, video game score-chaser Todd Rogers supposedly set a world record time of 5.51 seconds in the Atari 2600…