I’ve got no problem with make-you-want-to-scream Mario stages. There are plenty in Super Mario Maker’s community, and…
I’ve got no problem with make-you-want-to-scream Mario stages. There are plenty in Super Mario Maker’s community, and…
You'd think being given not one, but two hulking mecha-soldiers, for whom cover is a moot point because they can't…
It would be easy, while reviewing Ni no Kuni, to sit at my desk and fling adjectives on the page like a fantasy…
There's a lot to love about Ni no Kuni, the wonderful PlayStation 3 role-playing game that came out last Tuesday.
We called it Ring-And-Run. Other kids called it Ding Dong Ditch. Only when I moved out and lived on my own did I…
Or outrage, or scorn. Video games are just one pushcart in the vast marketplace of ideas, where everyone shouts down…
Pickings are slim for JRPG fans this fall. Xenoblade and The Last Story have both come and gone, and while our…
Ask any anime fan, and they'll tell you: cartoons in Japan are different from their localized counterparts. Last…
Welcome to Better Know An Umpire, an effort to educate ourselves on the human elements—deliberately programmed into…
After almost fifteen years of waiting, I finally got my Hogwarts letter. At least, that's what early registration to …