Remember the part of The Lion King where Scar challenges Simba to grind all the elephant skulls in the elephant…
A Snake-like game where the player controls a girl, and must group together people on the dance floor to form a line behind her.
Remember the part of The Lion King where Scar challenges Simba to grind all the elephant skulls in the elephant…
If you’re a He-Man fan that likes to keep their MattyCollector.com figures pristine in their packaging then look…
How many games do you know that manage to combine Jungian psychology, Japanese school-life and urban legends? Just…
Here we see speedrunner Halfcoordinated taking out the Autobots’ most feared enemy with one punch during his Awesome…
There’s a brutal competition being waged in Mario Maker right now, and it’s inspiring people to make the most…
Sure there are more popular games coming out this week than Just Dance 2016 and Just Dance Disney Party 2, but none…
A month or so ago, I would’ve told you I was done playing The Witcher 3. Turns out that’s not the case.
That’s the last time I am typing out that subtitle.
Every time I would tell people I hadn’t played Final Fantasy VI—a claim which is no longer true, thank god—they’d…
Splatoon came out in May. It is now August. I am still talking about Splatoon with my friends. I am still…