64 hours. 23 hours. 42 hours. 28 hours. Somewhere on a grassy plain trying to figure out if I should spend my days…
All the Latest Game Footage and Images from Craft Wars
Enter the adrenaline-fueled world of "Craft Wars," a VR multiplayer shooter for up to 16 players. With the power to craft every detail of your weapon using 3D pixel blocks, unleash your creativity and dominate the battlefield with your unique arsenal.
64 hours. 23 hours. 42 hours. 28 hours. Somewhere on a grassy plain trying to figure out if I should spend my days…
And you thought the lightsaber from the Episode VII trailer was dangerous. Announced today at Toy Fair in New York…
Here we go again. For the ninth year in a row (since 2006!), I’ve counted up how many video games I either started…
Destiny has gotten a bunch of much-needed updates, and today you can get it for just $40.
Good news: Dragon Age: Inquisition is pretty great. Less-good news: Being a story-heavy role-playing game, it…
When I was 12 years old my favorite toys were a ragtag band of Marvel Secret Wars action figures.
Frys has the first straight discount on the Playstation 4 today, $20 off, if you can get the site to load. In other…
"The pattern is always the same," video game designer Pawel Miechowski told me recently. "People struggle for food,…
One. Five. Two. Four. Six. That is not a string of numbers that need to be deciphered in a puzzle in a Professor…
We're bullish about the importance of audio around here, but we're also passionate about saving money. Balking at…