![It Looks Like All These Xbox 360 Games Will Soon Run On Xbox One [UPDATE]](https://i.kinja-img.com/image/upload/c_fit,q_60,w_645/nqxedeouuhpqfjfit5oy.jpg)
Microsoft confirmed the names of a few more Xbox 360 games that will soon be functional on Xbox One through the…
Microsoft confirmed the names of a few more Xbox 360 games that will soon be functional on Xbox One through the…
In the last half a year or so, we’ve gotten not one but two epic western fantasy RPGs in the form of Dragon Age:…
Fallout 4 is gonna let players bring PC mods over to consoles. Years ago, however, another game did it—with mixed…
When Riot Games said that it was suspending the coach of the European League of Legends team Copenhagen Wolves, it…
The gaming year’s biggest planned spectacle, E3, happens next week, which means that it’s time for us at Kotaku to…
If you play a game long enough, you start to be able to predict it. Thirty hours in, The Witcher 3’s still got me…
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt is a great game filled with small choices. Which kind of sword do you use? Which king or…
Hoo-boy, have you guys done some insane things in the name of gaming! I asked you guys to share some stories of the…