All the Latest Game Footage and Images from Age of Empires: The Age of Kings
Age Of Empires: The Age Of Kings is a portable version of one of the best-selling RTS games ever! You'll command five different civilizations, as you move from the Dark Ages through the Middle Ages, with one goal in mind: Domination of the known world. New combat advisor gives you advice on campaign strategies Gain empire points to unlock maps & units and improve emperor rank Multiplayer scenarios allowing up to 4 players to battle each other wirelessly.
Age of Empires: Definitive Edition is almost everything an Age of Empires fan could think they want. Unless they…
We learn a lot of words growing up. We learn a lot of words at school. We might even learn some at college. But as…
Maybe it’s because Age of Empires II is still hugely popular, maybe it’s because Bill Gates wants it done, either…