Adam and Eve is cancelled Nintendo game which became Super Mario 128, and would later become the basis of the Pikmin series. In Adam and Eve, the player would oversee the life of two human beings. The game was cancelled and was seen to be not very interactive.
After multiple delays, reports of mandatory overtime at the studio, and a years-long, nauseating hype train…
The most dedicated players of 2009’s Assassin’s Creed II could stray from the Italian Renaissance adventures of Ezio…
The Eternal Castle is a love letter to old cinematic platformers of the late 80s and early 90s, a throwback to games…
A few weeks ago, Kotaku’s community-run blog, TAY, had a theme week with a question, what is your favorite video…
In 2013, Eve Online developer CCP Games introduced Eve: Valkyrie, one of the current crop of virtual reality…
Nier: Automata is a game that explores the meaning and consequence of being human, despite not featuring a single…
Nier Automata is a game that gains meaning through repetition. The ending to the game changes following multiple…
“Everyone has done something and disappointed someone–or hurt someone–whether it’s a small thing or a big thing,”…