A gorgeous pixel aesthetic and punchy controls make Vengeful Guardian: Moonrider an excellent arcade throwback
Action Ninja Dash
A gorgeous pixel aesthetic and punchy controls make Vengeful Guardian: Moonrider an excellent arcade throwback
Fatal Frame: Maiden of Black Water debuted on the Nintendo Wii U
If you played games in the early 2000s, you probably did so on a Game Boy Advance. First introduced in 2001 as a…
When Streets of Rage 4 was first announced, I was wildly skeptical. The little I saw didn’t immediately live up to…
The Dark Souls formula is tried and true. It’s been adapted into science fiction settings, placed into 2D, and…
The world is in ruin, relationships are in tatters, and dreams are being crushed. How to help all these people?…
Devil May Cry 5 is a wild mess of demonic magic, blood, brooding twinks, butt rock music, kung-fu homage, and joyous…
Sonic Mania’s a lot of fun but one of its most exciting features is a dangerous string of bosses. Reshuffling and…
Remnants of Naezith is a platformer that stars a grappling hook and wants to be the Super Meat Boy of twitch-based…
Nioh pits the player agains a variety of foes. Deadly yokai and horrifying beasts rage about the countryside eager…