CultureCultureXbox Boss Phil Spencer On Series X Launch, Halo Infinite & BethesdaThere’s nothing normal about interviewing Xbox chief Phil Spencer these days.ByStephen TotiloPublishedOctober 16, 2020
CultureCultureDestiny 2 Is Getting Some Wild New Exotic Gear In Beyond LightBungie teased a bunch of new exotic guns and armor coming to Destiny 2 in Beyond Light next month in a new trailer…ByEthan GachPublishedOctober 7, 2020
CultureCultureBlacktober Is A Hashtag Full Of Black Artistic ExcellenceOne of the first works of fiction I ever wrote was for my sister. She was a big Lord of the Rings fan and had the…ByAsh ParrishPublishedOctober 6, 2020
Game TipsGame TipsHow To Open Up The Midnight Burrows In Ori And The Will Of The WispsThere’s one area that’s totally optional, easily skippable, and, most importantly, extremely fun: the Midnight…ByAri NotisPublishedApril 13, 2020
4/3/20Kotaku Reacts To Animal Crossing: New HorizonsTwo weeks have passed since Animal Crossing: New Horizons came out, and almost everyone on the Kotaku staff has…ByEthan GachPublishedApril 3, 2020
Kotaku EastKotaku EastThe Year That Was In Kotaku EastThere are only a handful of days left before the year draws to a close. There were triumphs and tragedies. Let’s…ByBrian AshcraftPublishedDecember 20, 2019
OpinionImpressionsOpinionImpressionsDestiny 2’s Ongoing Story Has Potential, Even If The Vex Are A Little BoringIf you’ve logged on to Destiny 2 over the last couple of weeks, you might have noticed something different. The…ByJoshua RiveraPublishedOctober 23, 2019
CultureCultureYour Destiny 2 To-Do List For This WeekendWe’re about to begin the final weekend before Destiny 2's big expansion, Shadowkeep, launches, and it’s…ByJoshua RiveraPublishedSeptember 27, 2019
CultureCultureDestiny 2's Seasons Will Work Much Differently This YearDestiny 2 is about to get some big changes with its forthcoming Shadowkeep expansion, out October 1. Changes so big…ByJoshua RiveraPublishedAugust 29, 2019
6/7/19Animal Crossing Superfan Has Maintained His GameCube Town For 17 YearsWe always joke about what it would be like if we were to grab our old 3DS or GameCube, boot up a now-ancient Animal…ByMichael KoczwaraPublishedJune 7, 2019