Every year, BarSK in Melbourne holds a special event. It’s a game jam that runs for over half a day, from the…
A physical release of four 3D PlayStation Network titles. Released as part of a bundle with specific 3D TV Models in Brazil, Australia, and Malaysia. Playable in amazing Stereoscopic 3D! Jump straight into four action-packed PlayStation3 titles, brought to your screen in eye-popping 3D: Super Stardust HD – hop into your spaceship and blast incoming asteroids to bits with an arsenal of interstellar weapons. Watch that cosmic space dust fly right out of your TV! PAIN – ready, aim, get set for some PAIN. Load your character into a giant catapult, let rip and watch the eye-watering chaos unfold. Did you see that head-on collision in graphic 3D? Ouch! WipEout HD – fire up your futuristic craft and blaze into Anti-Gravity combat at its very best. Blow your opponents to kingdom come and watch the race rush out into your lounge. MotorStorm 3D Rift Demo – try your hand at brutal off-road racing on an exotic track full of sand, water and untamed jungle. Hit the gas and shift into top gear in white-knuckle 3D.
Every year, BarSK in Melbourne holds a special event. It’s a game jam that runs for over half a day, from the…
After hosting sporadic tournaments over the last few months, game developer Square Enix hosted a special Dissidia…
The Sonic the Hedgehog franchise has had its ups and downs, but in the fashion industry, he’ll always be an icon.
It’s Street Fighter’s 30th anniversary, and to mark the occasion Capcom is grabbing a large hairy armful of old…
Mighty No. what? Mega Man 11 is coming, Capcom said today. It looks beautiful and will be out in late 2018 for PS4,…
Don’t expect high scores or top 40 hits in this jazz-fueled adventure.
Resident Evil Revelations was released on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One last month, with a Nintendo Switch version…
Why do people still care about Mega Man? Capcom’s diminutive action hero hasn’t had a brand-new game since 2010's Meg…