Final Fantasy VII first released in Japan 26 years ago today, on January 31, 1997. And in case you haven’t been doom-scrolling through Twitter all day, Square Enix has announced an assortment of stuff to mark the occasion. Square E’s announcements range from neat to niche in terms of their coolness factor; here are all the ones worth mentioning.
Read More: Final Fantasy VII Remake: The Kotaku Review
Final Fantasy VII Day
Arguably the biggest announcement from today was…well, today itself. More specifically, Japan officially recognized this year’s anniversary as Final Fantasy VII Day.
“I remember being overwhelmed at the breakneck speed with which video game technology was evolving but also dreaming big things for the future,” Yoshinori Kitasi, the game’s director, wrote in a statement. “With the establishment of this official anniversary day, I will now always remember these things, and hold them dearly to my heart.”
Whether or not you can get away with calling out of work to celebrate this most sanctified of occasions is between you and your employers.
Cloud and Sephiroth playlists
Moving right along, if you’re a fan of curated playlists for your favorite anime husbandos, Square Enix has you covered with their own Spotify playlists for Cloud and Sephiroth. Before you get too excited, the songs in these playlists aren’t gonna have any cheeky Pinterest-esque mood board music that matches their personalities. They’re mostly composed of their respective themes from the game’s original soundtrack. Regardless, Cloud and Sephiroth’s playlists serve as a good baseline you can add bops to for the creation of your own feather-haired mixtape.
Power Wash Simulator crossover
The most bizarre announcement to come out of Square E’s shotgun spread approach to celebrate its poster child’s birthday was the news of an upcoming crossover between Final Fantasy VII and the surprisingly delightful and satisfying Power Wash Simulator. The collaboration, dubbed the Midgar Special Pack, will have players clean the grime from sectors in Final Fantasy VII. FFVII won’t be the only Square Enix game to feature in a Power Wash expansion, though. The devs at FuturLab have also released a Tomb Raider pack in which players are charged with scrubbing down Croft Manor until it’s shiny and new looking.
Lego collab
The last cool announcement from Square E has an audience participation angle to it. FFVII is going to have a Lego collaboration, and fans get to vote for which iconic scene gets immortalized in the hurty blocks. The four options people can choose from are Cloud and Tifa sitting on the water tower in Nibelheim, Aerith’s house, the church in the Sector 5 slums, and Cloud’s iconic Honey Bee dance scene. Fans can vote for which scene they want to build out of Legos here. Do the right thing and vote for the Honey Bee Inn. Aerith would thank you.
Read More: Crisis Core - Final Fantasy VII - Reunion: The Kotaku Review
When are those new games coming out?
In terms of Final Fantasy games on the horizon, the Game of Thrones-esque Final Fantasy XVI is slated to release on PlayStation 5 and PC on June 23. The next installment of the FFVII remake saga, Final Fantasy VII Rebirth, will be released this winter on PlayStation 5.