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E3 Cometh

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To: Ash
From: Crecente
Re: The Most Important Live Blog of The Day

Micro-Ash crawling. Congrats man, pretty cool and we were IMing when it happened, so it's almost like I was there.


We kicked off our contest today to fly a reader out to E3 to help us cover the big show, press pass and all. Should be fun, hopefully we'll have a little more news next week about other E3 plans.


I've pretty much finished booking the show, now I just need to figure out who's doing what. It's certainly looking like this year's going to be a throwback to the days of E3 old, which is very much a good thing.

What you missed:
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BioWare's Mass Effect 2 E3 Prelude
Plants vs Zombies Micro-Review: The Seeds Of Success
Come Cover E3 With Kotaku: Contest Kick Off


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