Look outside. See the dogs and cats lying down together? The snakes giving birth to kittens? The prophecies are coming true, the end-times are among us, and Cyberpunk 2077 may be about to return to the PlayStation Store. Update: And it’s gone again.
As spotted by the laser-eyed eagles at IGN, if you search the PS Store for “Cyberpunk,” up pops that oh-so familiar yellow box. Click on it and you can wishlist and follow the game, although at this point, not buy it. As IGN reports, if you’d previously digitally bought the game you can download it, and it will update to the recent 1.22 version.
For the avoidance of doubt, it seems this is not an early sign of the so-called next-gen version. The listing states, “This purchase will also be available on PS5.”
Cyberpunk 2077 launched on consoles in a buggy state that was far from what CDPR had spent years hyping, with players experiencing bugs from the hilarious to the game-breaking. It was famously removed from PlayStation’s stores shortly thereafter, with developer CD Projekt telling customers they could apply to Sony for a refund if they’d bought the so-very-broken game from them. As recently as three weeks ago, CDPR said it didn’t know when the game might reappear on Sony’s store, so its showing up today might be as much of a surprise to them as anyone else. We’ve reached out to Sony and CDPR to ask for some more details.
![Image for article titled Cyberpunk 2077 Reappears On PlayStation Store, To Wishlist Only [Update]](https://i.kinja-img.com/image/upload/c_fit,q_60,w_645/2fe75d5fd7185f0e9bfacf0cc526cde2.jpg)
Disappearing from a major console has only been one sliver of the cursed misery that has befallen CDPR since the botched and belated release of Cyberpunk 2077, their annus horribilis having seen a horrendous ransomware attack, which recently turned out to be far worse than they’d previously said.
Perhaps a functional version on PlayStation consoles could be some solace to the beleaguered developers who worked through dreadful crunch conditions despite having been promised otherwise.
Update: 11.39 a.m. ET: Sony has since removed the game from the PlayStation store once more. Or at the very least, hidden it. We’ve yet to hear back from Sony, and CDPR have let us know they’ve no comment at this point. We’ll keep you updated.
Update: 1:15 p.m. ET: In a regulatory filing, CDPR said that Cyberpunk 2077 will return to PlayStation digital store on June 21, 2021.