Cyberpunk 2077 is having a buggy launch, from the hilarious to the disappointing. Some players are reporting a bug that’s either funny or creepy, depending how you look at it: story NPCs who won’t stop following them around.
(Some mild story spoilers for Cyberpunk 2077 ahead.)
You meet Maelstrom gang member Dum Dum in an early story mission at the gang’s hideout. The mission can go a lot of different ways depending how you play, but multiple players are reporting that Dum Dum follows them around long after his mission is over, showing up on Night City streets and even accompanying them on subsequent story missions. “He actually helped me fight too!” one player wrote on Reddit. Players are also reporting the bug on Twitter, along with sharing images of Dum Dum’s various awkward cameos. Some report that they’ll lose him for a while, only for him to magically reappear in the background or in their cars.
Dum Dum’s not the only overly-attached NPC. One player wrote on Reddit that Hwangbo, an NPC you rescue in a side mission, has since been following them around. “Fast travel will get rid of him for a few minutes, but then I see the green icon appear on my radar and sure enough he is following me all through Night City,” they wrote, sharing a hilarious imgur gallery of the results. This bug isn’t quite as out-of-the-blue as Dum Dum; you’re meant to escort Hwangbo to a dropoff point, but the player writes that the mission “never progressed after the part where the bad guys come. Shootout happened and then that was literally it. Now he follows me everywhere.”
If you’re having an NPC bug and for some reason aren’t completely in love with it, players are offering various fixes. Some players are saying Dum Dum disappeared for them as they progressed through the story. Others found they could lose him by quickly driving away from him in a one-seat vehicle.
Many players are finding it pretty hilarious, a sentiment I have to say I share. I haven’t experienced this bug myself, but please show me your pictures if you have. We could all use a little joy.