In Sackboy: A Big Aventure, a mostly harmless platforming game for PlayStations 4 and 5, each level has a series of…
When it comes to finishing missions and doing side quests, Watch Dogs Legion gives you a lot of options. You can run…
'Who Even Are These People,' And Other Questions From A Newcomer's Time With Destiny 2: Beyond Light
Over the past two days, I’ve played around 10 hours of Destiny 2. I have no idea what is happening.
With both the PlayStation 5 and its marquee launch game Demon’s Souls launching today, you’re going to see a lot…
I’m happy to report that I’m finally playing Demon’s Souls, my most anticipated next-gen game. While full…
Nearly two weeks ago, Watch Dogs: Legion came out. One day later, I booted it up on my PC for a breezy…
I am a lapsed Destiny 2 player. In anticipation of the Beyond Light expansion coming out November 10th, I thought…
I’m a simple man. Give me some rhythmic, monotonous task to carry out and I’ll be content. I think that’s why I…
Today, a handful of my colleagues have published PlayStation 5 impressions, detailing where the power button is, how…
You don’t really quit Warframe. When Hades, Baldur’s Gate 3, and a slew of other Extremely Me Games came out last…
My first console was a PlayStation, a gift from my mother’s boyfriend. I don’t remember asking for it; I think it…
Ikenfell, released earlier this month on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Switch, and PC, is an excellent little RPG that…
I’m going to make this quick so I can get back to the game that’s making me write this in the first place: Picross…
I started a new World of Warcraft character last week, following the release of the Shadowlands expansion pre-patch…
I was out in the middle of the wasteland, low on health, guns near broken and over-encumbered by a bunch of junk and…
I’m new to Baldur’s Gate, so the concept of video games based on Dungeons & Dragons mechanics is completely foreign…
Torchlight III, an action role-playing game that came out this week, starts innocuously enough. You choose from a…
First Marvel’s Avengers, now G.I. Joe: Operation Blackout. Over the past couple of months two video games, one a…
Last April I bought a PC copy of Fallout 76 for $17. It was such a cheap price that I finally couldn’t resist trying…
Every video game supports pass-and-play multiplayer. Just find a stopping point, hit pause, and hand the controller…