Most everything in Spelunky 2 is out to kill you, so it’s always nice to come across Yang, a random NPC who mostly…
Genshin Impact, a free-to-play totally-not-Zelda game that came out this week for PC, PS4, and mobile, starts slow…
A few expansions into playing Final Fantasy XIV, I decided to try leveling one of the game’s many crafting classes.…
Spelunky 2 can be a violent experience. While searching for the main character’s parents is its ostensible goal, you…
There are a lot of ways to deal with arrow traps in Spelunky 2, but the most satisfying strategy is simply whipping…
Roguelike is a dirty gaming word to me: I can’t think of a genre of game that appeals to me less than one in which…
I remember it like it was yesterday—even though it was, in fact, several days ago. You were a sprightly mage in a…
Throughout my time with Undermine—which has been in early access on PC since 2019 but received a full release last…
Be it Sephiroth or Seymour, Zemus or Kuja, Kefka or a weird evil tree, Final Fantasy does not lack for classic…
Control’s latest update added an assist mode that makes protagonist Jesse into a paranormal killing machine with the…
Sony introduced trophies for PlayStation 3 games in July of 2008. Since then I’ve earned more than 3,000 virtual…
Shit sucks. Our government continues to expand the boundaries of its fascist power. The ostensible opposition party…
Moon: Remix RPG Adventure is a niche “anti-RPG” from 1997 that last week made its way westward, for the first time…
Early on in Wasteland 3, you’re forced to make a choice. The family of one of your party members, a young woman…
I knew this would happen. The second I saw that Dragon Age 4 video at Gamescom, I knew I’d be back on my particular…
Gather round folks, and let me share with you the absurd tale of my week-long hunt to find a stupid bull in Red Dead…
When someone first starts playing a long-running video game, a ritual begins. Friends who’ve spent considerably more…
I never thought I would be afraid of beavers. But after playing a legendary animal mission recently, I’m terrified…
I’ve spent a lot of time with the Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater 1 + 2 demo despite being confined to short, two-minute runs…
In the dying hours of my work week I desperately tried to blast my way through Yoku’s Island Express. It is the…