Capcom, widely known as one of the most prominent developers of third-party console games dating as far back as the NES, appears poised to shift its focus. The company has noticed its ever-growing PC gaming audience and global sales numbers, and is planning on making the PC its “main platform.”
In an interview with the Tokyo-based newspaper Nikkei, Capcom’s chief operating officer Haruhiro Tsujimoto said the company aims to increase its PC software sales to the point where the platform will make up half of its global sales by the end of 2022.
This pivot toward PC comes off of the increased digital sales Capcom games have experienced on the platform, as well as a rise in PC gaming overall in Japan during the pandemic, according to Video Games Chronicle.
“We will expand our business for dedicated game consoles, which has been the mainstream up to now, but PC will be the mainstream in the future,” Tsujimoto told Nikkei. “Next year or the year after, we want to equalize the ratio of sales to PCs and dedicated consoles.”
Capcom’s decision to pour more energy into PC development makes sense considering that in 2019, Monster Hunter World’s second-largest audience was on PC, and Resident Evil Village set a franchise record for concurrent players on Steam with 101,726 players on its debut, according to Video Games Chronicle.
“We have recently stated that we will make the PC our main platform,” Tsujimoto added. “At this year’s Tokyo Game Show, we focused on exhibiting the PC version of Monster Hunter Rise, and I think people will be able to experience the change in our approach.”
Players can see for themselves if this change in Capcom’s approach is apparent when the demo for Monster Hunter Rise comes out on October 13. The PC version will feature voice chat, 4K visuals, and ultrawide display support. Monster Hunter Rise releases for PC on January 13, 2022.