Behold the Recoilless M5 rocket launcher. Want to feel cool blowing stuff up? Knock your socks off. Want to actually take down a tank as efficiently as possible? Battlefield 2042’s NWT-50 sniper rifle will do the job more quickly.
One player recently put together some footage on the game’s subreddit highlighting just how noteworthy the discrepancy is and it’s a doozy. As first spotted by VG247, the M5 rocket launcher struggles to destroy the tank in three rounds across 14 seconds while the anti-armor sniper rifle eliminates the threat in four shots and just under eight seconds.
There are a couple things going on here. First off, the NWT-50 doesn’t get unlocked until level 60, meaning it’s still out of most players’ reach and at the same time should probably feel pretty damn cool once unlocked.
The M5, on the other hand, is available to everyone at the start of the game, but is the only ground rocket launcher in it. Some players have claimed to have a lot of fun blowing up infantry spots with it, and you can occasionally get the killing blow on a vehicle when working in concert with the rest of your team.
But I just haven’t had much fun with it, precisely because there’s nothing more deflating than unloading multiple rockets into a tank and not even seeing it catch fire. I don’t have the NWT-50 unlocked yet, but I did test out the standard-issue sniper rifle and it still took down the tank in just 16 seconds, or two more than it took the player in the above video using the M5.
Would it be better if the M5 was a beast that all 124 players in a match could be rolling around with at the same time? Probably not! But what’s going on in the above video isn’t ideal either, especially considering how much of Battlefield 2042’s current conquest and breakthrough modes are snipe-fests to begin with. Add it to the list of revive bugs, hit detection woes, and spawn glitches.
At least the tanks are fun though.