Tina Amini's saved articles

Tina Amini

Not that crazy, but a friend and my brother joined me on a 24 hour Gran Turismo 5 race. We set up a driving wheel in front of the TV, took three hour shifts and only switched seats when we stopped in the pit. The main thing I remember from that night was getting sick for two weeks afterwards, leading me to never pull Read more

I was quite excited for the release of Mass Effect 3 to the point where I took time off of work for it. My fiance was going away for the weekend and would be back in a couple of days. Read more

Not strictly a marathon, but...

I was in college when the Diablo II expansion came out. I bought it before starting my senior thesis, and decided that I would only play the game when the thesis was complete. Sure enough, I kept to my word, finished my thesis months in advance, and got to Diabloing around. I didn’t Read more

Perhaps the most badass of them all is Mikasa. She’s fiercely loyal, and a fantastic fighter. One of the best in her class. She is not to be trifled with.

One of the most depressing shows I have watched is also one of the greatest. Attack on Titan is many things at once:

Wow, this is very interesting. I loved Hot Chip’s first two albums (The Warning is one of my favorites of all time), but I wasn’t crazy about their next two albums. This is encouraging for this new one. Read more

Back in the PSX glory days, I was playing the bejesus out of Sled Storm, a snowmobile racing game with the infamous included soundtrack of Rob Zombies “Dragula” because you wern’t a cool racing game without that song included. Read more

I was once playing a trial of a game called Chaser. After months of becoming a beast, I had formed somewhat of an ego when it came to the game. Until I met Ness. Ness played as much as I did, it was apparent by his ability to navigate outside of the map in ways even I didn’t know where possible.

I was on the cordless Read more

GREAT RAGE QUITTING STORY BRAH. Did you also each lunch that day? Tell us. Read more

I basically have 3 of these. 1 is mine personally, and 2 are what happened to my oldest friend. We generally don’t ragequit because we’re pretty much animals at all games. So when a ragequit does occur, it’s usually a blinding rage moment that is completely OTT to make up for the last X amount of years worth. Read more

Hide yo Princesses, hide yo stars, Bowsers coming to town. Read more

Wow, there are a lot of horrible people up there. Especially the guy that sold his brother’s cat...that’s fucking despicable. Read more

If the writers at Kotaku suddenly decided to only post these kinds of stories, I would actually be fine with that.
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