Tina Amini's saved articles

Tina Amini

You also don’t need to report on those who are reporting on this game because — boom — you’ve just reported on this game. Read more

Tis article screams to me that you had a conclusion and figured out the rest later. Yes, you don’t have to host the trailer, but it does sound like they have also had thoughtful journalism about this and pushed back during the interview. I much rather the publication that hosts the trailer have an adversarial Read more

More Tina please. Really happy to learn she’s in charge somewhere. Read more

I’m glad they finally went with the offset analog sticks. but I’m saddened by the loss of dual screen functionality offered by the Wii U.

But will Norman Reedus be naked the entire time? This is important. Read more

Are you using the same Internet that we are all using, or a different one? Read more

No sympathy whatsoever. The first guy that you mention - the hair dresser admits that one option is to go out and have sex with a random girl. Maybe if he treated women as human emotional beings worthy of investing time and energy in getting to know instead of an “option” he wouldn’t be the single guy with a bunch of Read more

“I took ownership of my decision so it wasn’t assault”. Read more

Can people stop calling (white) men feminist because they said some nice things about women now? Or are y’all looking for the next great white guy to prop up as a savior to women? Read more

I’ve been trying forever to piece together early warning signs of a rapist...but I can’t. You never know...the “nicest” guys I’ve dated engaged in non-consensual sexual acts with me. Read more

She was never at fault, except in being polite to someone who thought he could make himself bigger, more special, by reducing her to a sexual object, thereby denying her any sense of self beyond her gender. He is a giant piece of shit. Read more

I still kick myself for being too young to know how not ok the harassment I experienced at the restaurant I worked at was. Instead, I quit because I started having panic attacks. Read more

This might be one of the most disappointing videos I’ve ever seen. I kept waiting for the bear to attack him. Bite him, maul him, whatever, just do what bears do and let this jackanape know that splashing water in their face is a bad idea. Read more