Tina Amini's saved articles

Tina Amini

I’ve never understood the whole cats vs. dogs rhetoric. Why the fuck does it have to be one or the other? Why not both? Cats and dogs are funny & loving in their own way. Read more

I have a co-worker who has three dogs who calls me a “crazy cat lady” for having three cats. I just call him a “obtuse dog guy.”
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Just yesterday, I was venting to my fiance about work on the way home. In the middle of my tirade, we happened to drive by a house that had a gorgeous Siamese sitting on the porch and, mid sentence as soon as I saw it , I went all “D’aww it’s a Siamese!” which caused her to burst out laughing because I had essentially Read more

I’ve run into this kind of thing myself as a guy. It seems like a lot of people have to staunchly declare they’re “cat people” or “dog people”. I was told at a bar one time that guys who like cats are weird and that I’m weird for liking them (even though I like dogs as well). A lot of people just have this weird Read more

I’ve discovered a lot of girls (especially those on Tinder and the like) have a weird thing against cat owners. Some of the reactions I’ve gotten when mentioning my cat just made me omit him entirely from any early conversations. How could you hate a cat named Stupid that looks like the Terminator?

it’s 10,000x worse if someone at work finds out you have a cat and don’t have human babies. Wait until they ‘feel sorry for you’. It’s a good way to recognize people that are not worth talking to at work however.
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Two more! My Girls are the prettiest kitties EVER!!

Cat picture posting time??

Arright, if we’re gonna share cat photos, here’s Persephone. She sometimes resists being photographed.

As I am a “self-unaware loser” who is often the perpetrator of “tone deaf office banter”, the guy who said it is probably completely unaware that he insulted her and was just trying to be his goofy, funny, and intolerably annoying self. Read more

Excellent article Tina. I have had cats as companions for most of my life. Call me whatever you want, I’m content in the knowledge that my animal friends have always treated me better than most humans I have known. Read more

And I would date an adorable cat lady. But the rest of the world Tina. The rest of the world...
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I’ve had people express disbelief and mock me for how much I’ve spent on medical bills for my cats. I’ve had two... one who had heart failure for a year that required a ton of medication and weekly vet visits, and one who was abruptly diagnosed with lung cancer who treatment ultimately couldn’t save. Some people Read more

I wish I could give more stars to this post. I’m in the same boat, except as a guy. I’m tired of the stereotype as well. And dog owners get a pass? It’s ridiculous. My cat is 10 tons of awesome. All hail Mr. Tadakichi (my cat).

Call me whatever you want, haters! Look at my new cat! She’s beautiful and has loads of personality.

I have a cat (or he has me). My avatar is of a cat who passed away. I like cats. I like dogs (and grew up with them). Since I do have a cat, apparently that means people need to post endless cat related links on my facebook page. It also means any gift I get will have first been thought of how to get it with a cat on Read more

Who’s calling you a cat lady? They sound immature. I mean, I’m obsessed with cats, I’m not even a woman and I’d say “cat lady” is an accurate characterization of my obsession, but still for one to judge another so is simply childish. I’d make fun of them right back. Read more

im a guy, married to a gal, and if i tell people i have cats its pretty much over. Ive had whole departments stop working mid breath to ridicule me. Ive had dog lovers say they would kill my cats if they could (said at work mind you). We love our furballs. They help keep us happy and healthy. I dont get offended often Read more

Embrace the gift from our feline masters. When they are lying on top of us, kneading our chest, or lap, they are secretly- and knowingly- sending their agents of mind control.