It’s an unfair double-standard - I’m a single divorced guy with a cat, where’s my stereotype? I’m sorry, video-gaming woman writer with a cat! :)
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Most people are not their stuff.
Assuming a person who owns a cat is a “cat lady” is to assume a lifestyle choice that’s improbable and also somewhat insulting. Read more
Halo 3’s release date
I was hit by a car while biking to my local Gamestop. Instead of stopping in the right turn lane at a red light, the driver made the decision prior to reaching the intersection that he would roll through the light. After the collision, the driver pulled away and rounded the corner after I… Read more
For a non-criminal story, my ex and I were displaced due to Hurricane Katrina when the Xbox 360 came out. I had just gotten my insurance settlement for the stuff I lost and we positioned outside of a Best Buy in Jackson, Mississippi for about 18 hours. We were number five and six in line, since one of us was waiting… Read more
“I was bullied for being an atheist” Read more
I wanted a PS3 so much when it came out, but I didnt have any money, cos I was a poor student. So I decided to sell my Brothers Mancoon Cat to a kid at school who said his family really liked rare cats. My family and my Bro thought the cat had just ran away, or someone had nicked him. The sad thing is I would… Read more
I traded most of my first drum set for a full band bundle of Rock Band 2. Now granted, my drum set was balls, and I kept the bass pedal, which was the only good part of it, but my friends and family were incensed that I trade a real instrument away for plastic ones. Read more
Every evening i went to my grandma’s house (saying “I wanna spend more time with you!!!!!!! :) :) ) to play Starcraft online using HER phone to connect to the internet. In the mid 90s, in Italy, there were no flat rates and you had to pay for every phone call and, of course, a 56k needed to call a phone number to… Read more
I do not have a cool story for me, but I got one of my buddie. Was his birthday, we had rented Street Fighter Alpha 3 (we loved the series) but he had broken his left thumb 2 days earlier. Still rented it and he proceeded to play with his fingers. Sucked at the start but we did an all nighter and by the morning we… Read more
One night in college as a young lad unknowing of the world I found myself playing beer pong against two radiant beautiful women. One surprisingly took a liking to me and I to her, in all my life I would have never guessed that a woman of such stature would ever give me the time of day. It was how you say, love at… Read more
I once caught a friend stealing my NES games and I shot a handful of bottle rockets at him when I found him trying to do it again. I then stole his copy of Jackal in retribution. Read more
9-9-99. I worked at EB during the Dreamcast launch. I was able to go to E3 that year and saw the DC before most other people. I was blown away. When launch day came, we opened at Midnight for preorders. After the initial wave was finished, they let me go home with my swag. (All launch titles. 2 arcade sticks. Ect.) So… Read more
Here’s a sad truth: Unless you have thousands of hours or hundreds of dollars, it’s impossible to enjoy more than a…