Tina Amini's saved articles

Tina Amini

I’d like to emphasize the “practiced” part of this. I must have spent hours going up and down the stairs, finding all the sweet spots that made no noise, debating over whether or not to jump the last three because the banister would groan but then less risk of stair creaking, or maybe I should go over the banister and Read more

When we were kids, me and my younger brother used to play together on the family PC (like Diablo, him slicing and dicing, me using potions and spells). Those were actually the only times we were ever civil to each other.
Until he claimed, in front of his friends, that he’d never needed my help, that he actually beat Read more

Not really shameful. Back when Pokemon Snap came out I really really wanted it, but I was 9 at the time and had no access to money. My father knew I wanted the game but he was one of those “You gotta earn it” types of parents. Then one night at dinner he made a joke about it, he told me “If you can eat a whole salad Read more

Hmmm....Myself personally? When I subscribed to The Sega Channel in the mid-90s and used to sit up til’ 4AM at the 1st of the month to see what new games were made available (despite the next day often being a work day). Read more

I specifically remembering waiting with bated breath until I heard my mom snoring, creeping down the stairs (I had practiced this, stairs 2, 3, 7, and 11 were the creakiest, and staying towards the wall), going into the computer room and staying up all night playing Starcraft online, all while panicking if I even Read more

When I was a kid, a young and stupid one, I had asked to get Lunar: Silver Star Story Complete for PS1. I knew the weight of it, the size of the box, the shape...cause Funcoland back then was an awesome place to shop at before they became Gamestop. Anyway, we were down to the week before Christmas. I was bored, so I

My original Xbox broke just as I was getting to the starforge in KOTOR. It was 3AM and without trying to take it somewhere to get it fixed I instead just went to Walmart and bought a brand new Xbox so I could finish the game that night. Read more

I missed the first batch of Wii consoles that went to the stores and was “that guy” who called my local GameStop on a daily basis, hoping from good news. I was home sick from work with a midsummer’s bronchial infection and decided to make that call...and they had one left, and they can’t hold it for me. Read more

Er, Diablo, not Diablo 2.
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True story: In 1997, I suffered a mild heart attack while playing one of the final battles in Diablo 2. A couple of days later, I had my wife smuggle my laptop into the ICU so I could finish it.
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Back in my elementary school, we use to have a guy in class who like to steal stuff. One day he stole my friend’s Mega Man Soccer for SNES from his backpack (this was like 20 years ago), so the owner of that game, myself and one other friend stole everything inside his backpack (this is in Mexico BTW, where public Read more

One of my “hardest fights” for a game...which I AM proud of...is made all the more embarrassing because of what I was fighting for...DJ Hero

It was actually just a last minute, “it’s just now after midnight”, spur of the moment decision to, “drive to the closest Wal Mart to see if any of them were doing a midnight Read more

Okay, this is probably the worst. When we were teenagers, my brother and I played Phantasy Star IV . It was his game, but he allowed me to play it under the condition that I’d never play past where he was at. Read more

Oh, I was a “best man” at an Everquest wedding circa 2001. The “groom” was already married in RL, and his ‘bride’ was not his RL wife. He said his character was “in love” with his bride, not his real self. Read more

I made an essay for a friend i had online, he was asking for someont to do the essay for him and in return he would give whoever made it a game, i asked if witcher 3 was okay, he was cool with it. I made the essay and he got like 90/95 i think. Now i’m loaded and ready for some witching, he a cool guy. Read more

I drove 2.5 hours to the midnight release of WoW upon arrival (skipped two classes and hauled ass over rural NY state) I sprinted to the store beating out a few people in the parking lot who didn’t have the same zeal. Read more

Was considering buying Final Fantasy on the NES, but my older brother bought it first. It never occurred to me to buy my own copy, but my mom probably wouldn’t have let me anyway, because she would have though it was stupid. You could only have one saved game on the cartridge, so I couldn’t even have my own game Read more

I accidentally erased 10 hours of my cousin’s FFX game, so I replayed it up to exactly where he was, that night, without using any spheres. Read more