Reading this article made me deeply interested in the world and Finn and Jake’s shenanigans. I would love to watch the show, but TV isn’t interactive enough for me, and I am easily discouraged by the cartoony visuals (This is one of the only shows that rubs me that way), even though I know there’s such a compelling… Read more
Adventure Time is the source of much of my happiness. Considering the rabid fans out there, you’d think I wouldn’t…
My mom tried to run me over with her car at Christmas and I have only spoken to her once since then. And somehow I feel like the piece of shit in this whole situation. Read more
Wanna be an artist? This tutorial for Nintendo’s adorable yellow Pokémon can definitely help.
Yes, you read that right. A unicorn. Not one that’s alive, mind. A stuffed unicorn! But still: a unicorn. NSFW…
Please let me know if you have any cat game related questions and I will try to answer them as best I can. Read more
In a move that’s bound to yield some very interesting results, Valve just announced that it was changing the way it…
Valve finally got around to releasing its anticipated 6.84 patch notes for Dota 2 last night, meaning that there are…
If you’ve played Wii or GameCube games on the PC, chances are it was because of the Dolphin emulator. Rachel Bryk,…
Last week, people were freaking out about a blank image that they thought might be teasing a new Five Nights game.…
The original Fable. Probably not even 45 minutes into the game I was in one of the side areas off the main town, Bowerstone, there was a guy would make you get different hair cuts to marry his daughter (who didn’t exist). After I found out I got mad at him and started punching him. He got stuck on the bench, didn’t… Read more
Back in the days of Halo 2, we figured out how to make sword lunges cross nearly any entire map.
Mine was definitely in Left 4 Dead on the 360. Back when the game first came out there were a lot of exploits that could be used when playing online multiplayer. One that I would always do with my friends was on the fourth chapter in the No Mercy campaign. As the infected you could claw at a generator and move it to… Read more