Press Right Shift and PrtScn in Skyrim.
Turn gfx down to the lowest possible setting. Read more
Press Right Shift and PrtScn in Skyrim.
Turn gfx down to the lowest possible setting. Read more
GTA Online car duping to make untold $millions on PS3 at the start of online, only to carry over to PS4 and still have more then enough to do everything I could ever want, allegedly Read more
Bloodborne. That NPC in the forbidden woods that turns into a monster. He is highly weak to poison, and he can’t fit through that doorway. Hit him with a poison knife and sit back behind the doorway letting the poison do its thing while he flails around trying to get to you through a door that is 2x smaller than he… Read more
Skyrim, I was spending some time raising my restoration by jumping into that damaging wind on the way to the Throat of the World and then casting healing spells. I did this for like 20 minutes before I finally told myself “This is idiotic, I’m on a PC, I can just raise my restoration with console commands if that’s… Read more
GTA Online, getting loads of money from “selling” your car and having it respawn. Made a fortune off that. Read more
I can’t seem to find records of it online anywhere, but long ago when I used to play Rainbow Six: Rogue Spear, someone taught me a glitch where you could interrupt the climbing animation, and it would resume indefinitely. I think you had to crouch mid-climb animation? You could fall through the map, or climb up to… Read more
Elder Scrolls 4: Oblivion on the Xbox 360. There was a glitch that you could use to multiply any item in the game. I used this to multiply my money so I would never have to worry about having enough money ever again. Bethesda issued out a patch for it, but you could go into system setting and delete the update portion… Read more
Probably a more recent one is editing game files for Borderlands 2 with a friend so we had infinite gold chest keys. We’d sit in front of that thing for an hour straight just checking out all the cool guns rather than playing the game. Read more
It took me a minute to realize what the Twitch streamer and frighteningly good Mario Kart 8 player xLunairex was…
The old-school versions of Mortal Kombat were filled with hidden characters, features and in-jokes. You’d only ever…
The worst encounter I’ve ever had with a troll was just after Hurricane Katrina. I’m a New Orleans native and when I returned home 8 months after the hurricane, I had been living in Huntsville Alabama, a friend and I we’re playing Project Gotham Racing on the 360. Now I very rarely ever play games online because of… Read more
I was THIS CLOSE to writing a scathing reply about how I spend a few hours a week playing CoD, and how DARE YOU and OH MY GOODNESS YOU RILE ME UP and...dangnabbit. You’re a troll. I found one! Read more
My friend’s cat. He knocks over everyone’s cups all the time and he knows he’s doing it. Read more
Over a game of some Call of Duty, someone once asked me if I worked at Hooters. Because I am a woman with a woman’s…