You want to explore other universes? Get under the skin of some weird, complicated, are-we-even-sure-they’re-human…
You want to explore other universes? Get under the skin of some weird, complicated, are-we-even-sure-they’re-human…
Another teaser for Five Nights at Freddy's 3 has landed, and this one gives us a look at what the game will look…
Hack the planet! And I thought Hugh Jackman's dancing scene with the 3D cubes from the 2001 movie Swordfish was…
When a game features catgirls, it's probably not surprising to hear that people are reacting to it in funny ways.…
More than three years ago, a crippling internet attack brought down Sony's PlayStation Network and interrupted…
Some are easy to find, some are well hidden, but Azeroth and the surrounding worlds are big enough to have special…
If you've played Warlords of Draenor, you might already have a maxed out level 100 character, or even two. Or you…
Unearthed: Trail of Ibn Battuta is not Uncharted. But boy does it try.
On March 17 the PC version of The Elder Scrolls Online ditches subscription fees and gains the subtitle "Tamriel…
The Elder Scrolls Online will get a little cheaper this year, with Bethesda removing the subscription fee in…
We've seen charts, and galleries from the street, but it's only when you see the size of the game world in both GTA…
Don’t look now, but the Far Cry series is almost twelve years old. With four main games and a collection of…
Playing Destiny can be time consuming, especially if you want to level multiple characters. Naturally, players are…
I got a message from a Smash Bros. player recently that made a bold promise: he'd figured out how to reduce every…
The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask has aged more than you remember. The game came out 15 years ago, after all! It's…
We’re updating this post with all the latest information on the hot limited edition Majora’s Mask New 3DS XL.…
We haven't seen much of The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask for 3DS, but with the release date only a few weeks away,…
When Nintendo officially announced the New 3DS XL this morning, fans across North America had one big question:…
The team behind Fire Emblem Awakening is making a new game for 3DS, Nintendo just announced. Though this game will…
Rumor suggests Nintendo's New 3DS—a poorly-titled yet excellent hardware revision of the Old 3DS—will be officially…