Tina Amini's saved articles

Tina Amini

Girls is the equivalent of Miley Cyrus; trying to get attention via "shock value" to the point where every "shocking" thing makes people yawn because it's so predictable. And yes, over-privileged white girls that are out of touch with reality. Read more

Actually no. I realize the term "conspiracy theories" is practically a trigger word for people to lose their collective shit, but go back and read - there are no actual conspiracy theories about it. Only one joke, and one person wondering if it's a leftover asset from an earlier build of the game. Calm yourself. Read more

Haddenja with the 3rd degree...

They replaced the melee lunge with the shoulder bash you can perform while sprinting. Except that the shoulder bash requires no momentum to perform, and is more powerful thana standard melee. Read more

Absolutely, marriage requires attention and care. Yes, maintenance. Twue wuv does not just magically keep two people happy together for 50 years or more. Especially if you grow or change as people. Read more