As you can see from the above screen shot, SEGA are working on an RPG. Now! If you sit through the (incredibly long)…
As you can see from the above screen shot, SEGA are working on an RPG. Now! If you sit through the (incredibly long)…
While you sit around waiting for the Castle Crashers multiplayer to start working, why not take the time to grab the…
Laminar Research has released an iPhone version of its well regarded Flight Sim X-Plane 9. X-Plane 9 is a…
As study findings go this may not be rewriting any sociology textbooks - apparently, kids really like video games.…
Hudson's new Bomberman iteration looks like the perfect use for your Mii - blowing the big-headed little git to…
BigDownload has posted a rumor concerning the lovely-looking Free Running action game Mirror's Edge. The Xbox 360 &…
Icarus Studios make 3D virtual world software — they have made a soon to be released post-apocalyptic MMO, Fallen…
Students at the prestigious Parsons The New School For Design in New York will be taking part in a LittleBigPlanet…
Remember Alien Breed? It was an Amiga classic, later rolling up on the (DOS) PC. If you are unfamiliar, think Gauntle…
3D Realms have released a trailer for the timey-wimey-rewindey XBLA port of Duke Nukem 3D. If you missed the news,…
Cryptic have posted another of their development blog Q&As that gives a rundown of some of the more obscure features…
Zombies. Can't live with 'em.. and they just can't live. You also can't avoid 'em at the moment. They are the…
This trailer for the Wii version of Skate It shows off some of the exotic locations where It may be Skated. You…
Those nice chaps at Bungie are doing their bit to raise money for the Make-A-Wish Foundation. With the help of Xbox…
If you have ever played Burnout Paradise and thought, "Hmm.. Needs more bike." then have I got the post for you! An…
Yes, he may be a golf-obsessed, card-carrying Republican, but Alice Cooper is still an officially-sanctioned Rock…
One thing about us here at Kotaku, we love a 3D Games Design Tool with a happy Atmosphere. Or an Atmosphir - as in…
While tooling about the web lately you may have come across an advert for a Free Online Batman Game (pictured).…
There is absolutely no way this will not happen. Rich Jenkins of Media Power has let a Swedish journalist see the…
Capcom has decided its days of releasing games exclusively to one platform are over. In its fiscal 2008…