In 2009, Sony and Toshiba are to begin mass production of the 45nm version of the Cell processor used in the…
In 2009, Sony and Toshiba are to begin mass production of the 45nm version of the Cell processor used in the…
Well, we did ask. Our heavily inked readers have sent in a plethora of pictures detailing the game-related tattoos…
Two more readers have decided to permanently mark their bodies to show how much they love gaming (and wearing…
Get me Valve on the phone. Tell Lombardi that the Portal prequel dev team can go home - their services are no longer…
It's time for Good News/Bad News. Good News: Rare's senior animator, Elissa Miller, says that the company has no…
No, not just on Steve Balmer's Xmas stocking (he is getting hundreds of Zunes). Microsoft are preparing for a…
Ignition Entertainment sent us these screens of their new Nintendo DS game Tornado. I'll spare you the full plot,…
Electronic Arts have sent us a statement regarding their roundly-criticized Spore DRM policy. In it, EA Games Label…
With attendance almost as light as the wispy foam creations that were being wafted skywards, the Kirby Superstar…
id say that user mods of their new driving/shooting things game Rage might not be possible due to the complex way…
Atari has fired off some stern letters to iPhone games developers, citing infringement of their Breakout…
Leigh was quite impressed by Southpeak's new DS strategy game Ninjatown, when she got a preview back in June. It is…
Not content with ruining Fallout 3, the Australian Office of Film and Literature Classification is now just playing m…
What is it with games promos and junk food at the moment? McDonald's are all over LEGO: Batman, KFC have their…
Stephen Colbert will be playing host to some chaps from Harmonix as they give him a Rock Band 2 rendition of his…
Praise Him with the sound of the trumpet: praise Him with the psaltery and harp. Praise Him with the timbrel and…
Sony have confirmed that the video sharing features have been dropped from the PlayStation Home beta. In retrospect,…
Gamer's IM service Xfire is preparing to broadcast a World of Warcraft raid as a spectator event. Using a plugin for…
With less than two months to polling day the time is ripe for Stardock to try and push copies of their Presidential…
Are you still feeling bad about that whole Weighted Companion Cube incident? Still pining for it's friendly, rounded…