A few months ago a guy reached out to me over Twitter with a common question, but for an unusual purpose. He asked…
A few months ago a guy reached out to me over Twitter with a common question, but for an unusual purpose. He asked…
Deep Down, Capcom's strange, beautiful, displaced-time online RPG, is going to be free-to-play, and its beta will…
A dearth of Japan-focused titles is why Sony is slowing the roll of the PlayStation 4 there until Feb. 22. In fact,…
OK, first a mea culpa. It was dumb of me to open a call for nominations for new strips in our Sunday Comics feature…
Covering sports video games means I can take a break from the politically motivated and manipulated controversy of…
Uploaded in July, about a thousand or so people have viewed this fan's virtuoso recreation of Attack on Titan's…
An independent games developer is in custody and charged with violating U.S. immigration law after allegedly…
Speedruns on most games don't particularly enthrall me though I do acknowledge the skill and knowledge it takes to…
EA Sports managed to goad Madden NFL pitchmen Colin Kaepernick and Russell Wilson into making one incredibly…
Crime is a constant feature of video games writing. Somewhere, someone is doing something illicit with…
The free-to-play "StarCraft MMO," StarCraft Universe, being made with Blizzard's approval—surpassed its $80,000 funding goal on Kickstarter with a day left in the campaign. A five-player boss raid demo (that's the video) released in the last week of the drive is credited with pushing the team over the top.
Activision has gone out and hired a lobbyist—one of the biggest lobbying firms in Washington—for representation when …
[Update:] The video has since been removed.
Ouya's "Free the Games Fund" promises to double a crowdfunded game's money—if it releases exclusively for the…
Today is opening day in the NFL, as good a time as any to remind you of one of the best-designed games in the world:…
Do Not Adjust Your Picture: Yep, the super awesome watch-a-shitload-of-the-NFL-for-free offer through Madden NFL 25's $100 Anniversary edition promo with DirecTV is experiencing technical difficulties as thousands log in to the service on opening day. Others are saying they can watch just fine, but YMMV. Read more
Well, alright. The tree of video game webcomic humor must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of ... new…
Welcome to Kotaku's Sunday Comics, your weekly roundup of the best webcomics, chosen by our readership. The images…
My PAX 2013 summit with Warrior—no, really, that's his name, legally changed—was plenty enough to get your creative…