Matthew Buzzi's posts

Matthew Buzzi

Happy Friday Kotaku! There's a lovely weekend just off the horizon, so full steam ahead through our last work or

Good day Kotaku! Are you managing to hang in there amidst anticipation for Skyrim? I can barely contain my

Hello Kotaku! Enjoying your week so far? I hope so, and I bet Modern Warfare 3 is contributing to that for a lot of

Good morning, everyone! Good afternoon and night, too, depending on where you're reading from! The week has nearly

It's been a busy week, so spare time is at a minimum. Unfortunately, that means gaming time is too. I hope you're

Hello good people, how is your week going? Swimmingly, I hope. Mine's moving along steadily, thanks for asking. You

Happy Friday! Another weekend is ahead of us, and I'm optimistic that it will be a good one! Do you have any

I hope you've all been gaming your hearts out lately, because there's a lot to be played! I've had more chances

Hello people of Kotaku! The change of seasons is in full swing, and it's becoming downright fall-like here in NYC.