Now that the PlayStation Network has respawned across various parts of the globe this past weekend, Sony is saying…
Sony's PlayStation Network is still down—this is day 25—but there's a bit of good news for PlayStation 3 owners…
Kotaku readers, I'm sure you already have a lot to talk about today as we head into this lovely weekend, so I'll…
Forgive the crude comparisons to those two beloved games, for neither is perfectly adequate at describing what the…
You've had your first unofficial look at this year's Call of Duty, now let's see what the official unveiling of Mod…
Shadows of the Damned creator Grasshopper Manufacture has never been known as a run of the mill video game…
Following last night's official reveal of Starhawk, the interstellar sequel to/spin-off of Warhawk, Sony and…
Unless a copy of L.A. Noire magically shows up at Kotaku Towers West this weekend, I'm gonna keep this weekend…
Well, today's been something! Has yours? If you want to chit-chat with your fellow game-loving, Kotaku-reading…
According to the French publisher's CEO, not only is Nintendo's Wii successor—currently known as Project Cafe—a…
Few people know how to handle a Portal 2 cube better than James, here—aka "Schrobot." Continuing his extremely…
Sony execs have already apologized to PlayStation customers by way of the company's official blog and with extremely deep…
Who are these three mysterious additions to Diablo III? They're not new character classes in Blizzard's upcoming…
The follow-up to 2007 PlayStation 3 futuristic dogfighter/third-person shooter Warhawk hasn't been a well kept secret
Alright, alright, so there are some greens and reds intermingled with the rich, golden hues of Eidos Montreal's new D…
Home Sheep Home, you're no Angry Birds—at least not when it comes to value. You may be a handsome, amusing diversion…
Greetings, Kotaku readers. Welcome to tonight's open thread, which we're doing animal style. Wait! Scratch that,…
Harmless distractions like Angry Birds are perfectly acceptable browser game fodder, should you have nothing better…
With Japan celebrating Golden Week, there wasn't much activity in the country in terms of new releases. In fact, in…