Global Thermonuclear War is coming back to the big screen courtesy of the man who brought a battle between two Donkey…
Global Thermonuclear War is coming back to the big screen courtesy of the man who brought a battle between two Donkey…
The dual-type Ghost/Poison Pokémon Gengar gets a super creepy redesign by artist Gavin Mackey. Just try going to…
Star Wars Galaxies, the original massively-multiplayer online role-playing game based on George Lucas' universe,…
Barring a surprise delivery of my copy of Shadows of the Damned—hurry up, Amazon!—I'll be playing more Dungeon Siege…
Ending a two year hiatus since the last Team Fortress 2 "Meet the Team" video, Valve unleashes "Meet the Medic,"…
If you've waited this long to finally play a game of Team Fortress 2, now may be the best time. Or at least the…
It's not really a fantasy role-playing game unless it ships with a map, preferably cloth, charting the mystical,…
One of the most intriguing components of BioShock Infinite, just one of the reasons why the game was nominated…
Japan's bestselling video game right now may be a PlayStation Portable title—Level 5's Cardboard Senki—but The…
Twisted Pixel's sequel to 2009 explosive action-platformer 'Splosion Man, the more feminine Ms. 'Splosion Man, comes…
Jamie Kennedy, star of Son of the Mask, Malibu's Most Wanted and Wii game Real Heroes: Firefighter doesn't always…
Would you pay for a new version of the classic Snake for your iPhone? What if this version, Hard Lines, was one of…
Kotaku readers, here we are at the hump of this workweek. Let's get over it with some stimulating off topic but…
The all wizard, all the time PC game Magicka got its promised dose of all-new player-versus-player combat this…
Could Valve's future games finally come to a Nintendo platform? Thanks to the Wii U, a system that appears at least…
The makers of Peggle, Plants vs. Zombies and Bejeweled are reportedly in the process of being snapped up by someone…
Better late than never, the PSN release of Beyond Good & Evil HD, previously scheduled for May, will grace the…
The third downloadable add-on for Call of Duty: Black Ops, "Annihilation," hits next week (for Xbox 360, that is),…
Good evening and good Tuesday, Kotaku readers. Tonight's open thread is of a themed variety, in which I might ask…
I worry about Sony's new PSP. After the shock of the impressive visuals of Sony's next-generation portable, the PlayS…