News of the death of Apple founder Steve Jobs spread quickly today via Twitter, with video game developers,…
News of the death of Apple founder Steve Jobs spread quickly today via Twitter, with video game developers,…
Steve Jobs, founder of Apple, passed away today, according to a statement from the company. He was 56.
PlayStation 3 racing sim Gran Turismo 5 continues to evolve with the promised "Spec 2" update, Sony and developer…
Changes are coming to the multiplayer side of StarCraft II when the game's next expansion, the Zerg-focused Heart of…
Good Tuesday to you, Kotaku. I bring you glad tidings and an open thread. You may use it as you see fit, to discuss…
Occasionally bearded actor Robin Williams named his daughter after the oft-kidnapped princess of Nintendo's The…
I've played some 80 hours worth of Dark Souls on the PlayStation 3, but I still haven't come to the end of this…
Wu-Tang Clan member Method Man is genuinely rapping about Sour Patch Kids in this video, "World Gone Sour (The…
It's true. You can finally download PlayStation 2 classic God Hand to your PlayStation 3, people. That's the…
The tasty blend of Tekken Tag Tournament HD, Tekken Tag Tournament 2 Prologue and Tekken Blood Vengeance 3D—we call…
The first downloadable add-on for Portal 2, the free cooperative missions known as "Peer Review" is now out for PC,…
Early Sega Genesis adopters remember Sega's Castle of Illusion Starring Mickey Mouse as one of the system's initial…
Hey, Kotaku [said in Buster Bluth voice]. You ready to wrap up this Monday with a little off topic conversation?…
World of Goo, already a hit on WiiWare, PC and iOS, is building a gooey bridge to Android. Yes, that means phones…
You know, video games will rot your brain. They're filled with nothing more than gratuitous fish abuse, LEGO toilet…
It's been a while since we looked at Voxatron, the Robotron-esque shoot 'em up with blocky, voxelated visuals. The…
The tactical espionage action of Metal Gear Solid meets the world-conquering strategy of Risk for Australia-nuking,…
Iron Man, Tron Bonne and Mega Man Zero team up to lay waste to Galactus and his army. Intense Marvel vs. Capcom 3…
Pixel Ranger for iPhone and iPad feels as deep, engaging and modern as most Atari 2600 games, a CMYK-colored blend…
Whew. What a week. I could really use a beer or six and a shot of Jim Beam and a burrito and ten hours of sleep.…