Heather Alexandra's discussions

Heather Alexandra
Former Senior Writer and Critic at Kotaku.

The Mad Dog of Shimano has arrived, baaaaabbbyyyyy! Isn’t that right, Kiyru-chan?

“Oh my! Zelda, with bosses?! The thought of it gives me the vapors! I best get to my fainting couch lest this shock threaten to undo me.” Read more

Yes and no, I think. It accounts for the lack of artists as compared to shitposts but my experience with the matches themselves is that it’s still pretty snappy to start a game and that the quality of play is has increased. It’s not just a bunch of goons with Aerospray MGs. Weapon compositions are varied. and player Read more

You can use thermal goggles but the Predator’s super badass cloaking protects it from detection while in hiding. You actually can deploy drones but they get jammed almost immediately. Read more

It’s almost as if that’s a picture of the capitalist society you’re slowly fixing. Read more

*bans you from Kotaku forever*

...boring conversation anyway. Luke we’re gonna have company! Read more

Had a slight Kinja malfunction. But, uh, everything’s perfectly all right now. We’re fine. We’re all fine here now. Thank you. How are you? Read more

I like it although I prefer the mood of the base game more. Not A Hero’s closest relative is Resident Evil 5 but the first person perspective helps keep things slightly more reserved. It’s a balancing act that pays off.

End of Zoe is a bit less successful. It’s a much more straightforward rush through monster corridors Read more

Yeah. After the first four shrines, you’re not forced to use it anymore. Read more

Someone told me that after and I just sighed. This is what I get for watching so many speedruns... Read more

I’m playing this throughout today and the weekend. I’m really digging it even if the second phase is a bit long. Will have more to share with you later. For now, enjoy me making this tiny part of a shrine more difficult than it needs to be. It’s a tiny, tiny part of one shrine but if you don’t want any spoilers, just Read more

No one’s ever stopped shooting long enough for it to happen. This was a pleasant surprise that I hope to repeat in the future. Read more