Well, folks, it’s been awesome. Got one last Deltron track for you, which, surprisingly, comes from Battleborn, and…
Well, folks, it’s been awesome. Got one last Deltron track for you, which, surprisingly, comes from Battleborn, and…
Rise of the Tomb Raider is the best action-adventure game of this generation, a game that effortlessly balances…
By the time Digimon Tamers aired, I was growing out of cartoons, or so I thought. Tamers was an impressive feat for…
So there you are, minding your own business, when the CEO of Giant Game Publisher approaches you with an offer: he…
It’s no secret that Duke Nukem Forever was not particularly well received. As a self-described snob of first person…
Downloadable-only games have exploded in popularity in the last few years. Gone are the days when retail was the…
Fall is upon us, which means two things: Pumpkin Spice and Video Games. But before that, we have time to sit back…
You’re probably wondering what’s taking Valve, a company with nigh-infinite resources, forever to make Half-Life 2: E…
I met Max Barnyard ages ago. He’s a cool dude and makes cool videos. I was going to write a Half-Life 2 piece today,…
Most discussion about superhero video games revolves around the same few boring superheroes. People want to be…
I do not relish the thought of academia, through few faults of its own. We’re just not that compatible. What I want…
Wow! GameXplain has posted a 2 hour, 6 minute, 13 second in-depth exploration of all of the footage we have so far…
Goooooood morning, Kotaku! It is I, your incredible weekend guest editor, Doc! Got a load of stuff planned for you…
If there is one simple, undeniable fact about anything, it’s this: every game idea is improved by putting it in…
Mike Fahey is my role model, and he wrote this review of Digimon Cyber Sleuth, and it’s great, and you should read…
Deus Ex: Mankind Divided is a pretty good video game. I like many things about it. It is beautiful. I haven’t…
Our favorite games are often the ones that made us feel these really cool, powerful things. How’d you feel when you…
I apply the flow cannon...
So, you’re in charge of a brand new giant AAA video game, and the execs up top are expecting you to drop one of the…
I have an overactive imagination. When I read books, I imagine myself as being in the book’s world, as sharing the…