As someone who has sold plenty of old games on eBay, I can attest to Chris’ account here. I’ve never seen a true “eff this guy!” bidding war break out, but I’ve absolutely had some of my rarer items (Lunar games, Tactics Ogre, dot Hack) go up and up and up as two or three people decide they want it, and don’t want to… Read more
Chris, this article has been entered into my own personal Library of Congress type library. There’s an espn article that was about a guy battling squirrels in his yard at his new home that I read 15 years ago in there that was utterly brilliant. This one is in there too due to the amount of information and depth you… Read more
Look for places where games might be hiding: Does that box of dollar DVD movies have a Smash Bros. Melee? Is there a Parasite Eve in that box of classical music CDs? Read more
Our collection started almost 10 years ago when I found a boxed copy of DKC 2 at the local flea market. From that humble start, we’ve since managed to build up a library of a 586 games and 46 consoles, give or take. My husband has it all neatly cataloged in an Excel document, though there are programs you can get that…
I’m happier that they tried. This is something you see in some modern Batman stories and that at least fuels more of the critique around James Bond these days, as people look at the questionable elitist fantasies inherent in these characters. Read more
Yeah, sounds like they should have held back on the moral quandaries when the subject in question is basically a central gameplay mechanic. Read more
Look, if you want to say something in these comments all I ask is that you be respectful to one another. Disagree on whatever points you want but please treat each other decently. (Assholes and transphobes get banned.) Read more
I need to make one correction to this article. Old games ARE in danger of being lost to time. Sure easily dumped games that the copyright protection has been figured out with ROM chips on board are preserved, but older, solid state machines (think pong or those 70's era motorized games) or systems with difficult… Read more
I’m reminded of the Mother series - not Mother 2, released as Earthbound legitimately, but Mother 1 and Mother 3. Read more
I think a big element to this that a lot of people miss is that ALL games should be preserved, regardless of any of other qualities. Virtual Console and NES/SNES Classic, along with PSOne Classics and things like that, are great ways to enjoy older games no longer in print for their original hardware. But those are… Read more
There are tons of lost books, movies, and other forms of art that disappeared solely because it was illegal to make copies and the people responsible for them didn’t care and allowed them to be destroyed. It’s a travesty that we continue the trend, and have added video games to the garbage pile.
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People really need to archive important data because it will, indeed, be impossible in the future to get this type of stuff. Which hurts us more than helps companies that barely even try to profit off legacy hardware/software through legacy offerings. Republicans have already started the assault and not even on gray…
Winter is cumming. Read more
I think Thandie Newton and Woody Harrelson should have swapped roles. Woody dies during the heist and Thandie becomes Han’s mentor. If only so we could get more Thandie Newton. Read more
Dear Esther, I found this gun... Read more