Last week, former Valve writer Marc Laidlaw posted his version of what might be a genderswapped plot summary of Half-Life 2: Episode 3
Last week, former Valve writer Marc Laidlaw posted his version of what might be a genderswapped plot summary of Half-Life 2: Episode 3
I used to spend so many days with my Nintendogs. Playing with them, grooming them, taking them out for…
T-rexes with lasers and shotguns. Polar bears with flamethrowers. Some might laugh at these outrageous…
Dating, for the most part, sucks. You spend your time searching for a decent, interesting human being to spend time…
Have you ever wanted to be a chef or a warrior, but couldn’t decide which one? In Tree of Life, you can be both!
Undertale’s stigma as a toxic fandom arose after incidents involving harassed YouTubers, pornography, and fans who…
I, like many people, am terrible at math. I need a calculator to do basic addition and subtraction. Math class was…
Did you ever get one of those chain text messages? You know, the ones that say, “SeNd ThIS 2 !!!FIVE!!! peeple or…
Fishing Planet just got a trailer that is surprisingly hardcore for a game that’s about standing around and fishing.…
As a kid, when I told people that I was the youngest in my family and had three older brothers, they would often…
In the PS4 release of Undertale, there is a new area that you can visit: the Dog Shrine. This shrine is buried at the back of Papyrus and Sans’ kitchen. The Dog Shrine is necessary to unlock 15 separate trophies, which you can unlock by donating different amounts of gold—one piece at a time—to the shrine.
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Popular RPG Undertale releases on the PS4 and Vita today, and there are a lot of achievements to unlock for the game— many of which seem to be quite easy to obtain. There are also 15 separate achievements you can get simply for donating money to the dog shrine. To check out the full list of achievements, click here.
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Have you ever watched Jaws, saw the shark, and thought it was kinda hot? Well you’re in luck, because now you can…
If you’re reading this article on this site, you’re probably interested in video games, which means you’re probably…
Foxhole is a new multiplayer game where you play as a soldier in a massive online battlefield. You, along with…
Video games have a spotty history when it comes to addressing mental health. Often, people with mental health issues…
Dream Daddy, a popular new dating simulator in which you date hot dads, has a reputation for being a heartwarming…
Within a few days, footage of streamer JurassicJunkieLive screaming in terror as his toddler daughter, Jessica, pops…
In other news about awesome things that the Overwatch fandom creates, mechanical cosplayer Mike Carambat, who goes…
Dying Light, the parkour-themed zombie action game released in January 2015, is getting another free year’s worth of ten DLCs, according to its developer. While many players said they are excited, some players also said that they would rather see a sequel. All of the DLCs will be free on console and PC.