I’m addicted to this. Here’s one of my favorites- Boomchix, a Fire/Steel type. I have lore for him that he explodes when people approach due to his shyness. I want to get around to drawing him so he looks a bit more original.
I’m addicted to this. Here’s one of my favorites- Boomchix, a Fire/Steel type. I have lore for him that he explodes when people approach due to his shyness. I want to get around to drawing him so he looks a bit more original.
Incredibly sorry to see you go Ren, but best of luck on Beto O’Rourke’s 2022 Governor’s race. Read more
URNOT❗E Read more
We gamers can be so ridiculous. In the absence of news, we seem to decide that there has to be something and then start making things up out of whole cloth and then get disappointed (at best) or even angry (at worst) when the stuff we made up in our heads turns out to be wrong. I include myself in this because I’ve… Read more
Man, all this “metaverse” stuff just seems so... boringly dystopian. Read more
On second though, I actually do feel good about myself today. Read more
The STALKER SoC was delayed like 4 years. First release date was set to 2003, finally pushed back and released in 2007. This delay is very much in line with STALKER “~vibes~” mentioned here xD (Not to mention the fact that since this game is special for the lot of us, it’s development should take as long as needed, to… Read more
Wait, BCE’s defense was, “He didn’t ask us if they were Pokemon cards. He asked us if they were in good condition”? That’s some Twilight Zone genie shit. Read more
Just a quick browse down the comments here and it looks like this is far from just a G4 problem. Holy shit. Read more
I managed to get one as well.
None of that power on screen came for free, none of it. Read more
It takes the barest minimum of human decency to allow a queer person to live their life unharassed. It costs nothing to simply leave them alone. To not say something cruel or nasty and instead mind your own business.
Somehow, that’s still too much to ask for so many, not just in the gaming community, but on the planet… Read more
Speaking of boundary breaking and Halo games: One of my favorite memories of old Halo games was one day in college when a friend and I broke out of the boundaries of the Halo 2 level “Delta Halo” and spent a couple hours exploring the mountains and lakes that you usually can’t get too close to. Read more