Alexandra Hall's saved articles

Alexandra Hall
Senior Editor, Kotaku. I like old games, VR, music, workers, women, and low-res displays. Tips:

Unionize, strike, unite, make it industry standards of working so none of this power of abuse happens and the workers can organize and fight back again sexual assault and death from their shackles of oppression.
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Blizzard is building up a track record for abusing human rights. Read more

I am unemployed, have drug-resistant clinical depression and never leave the house. Read more

“Steam players see the achievement, but cannot obtain it. They are the most damned, and the most human. PlayStation and Xbox players can 100% the game and are dully content. Switch players don’t have achievements, and thus dwell in God’s light,””

That is a magnificent quote. Read more

“I just finished the game and I really loved it,” wrote one player. “But the developers just completely ruined everything with the last achievement. I wanted to be grateful for the game, but I can’t now.” Read more

This is exactly the kind of shade that everyone needs to be throwing Capcom’s (and every other fighting game developer who refuses to implement rollback’s) way. Publicity is already not great for a lot of these companies, but once the big competitive players start publicly dissing them for having a fundamentally Read more

If I want to see a scruffy white man, I’ll look in the mirror. Show me something different. The first demo was more interesting.
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Sounds like my recent gripe against Nomura-san at Square Enix. All the recent advances in graphics are simply there to say there were advances made in graphics and to better render extra belts and spiky haired protagonists. Read more

I’d be nice that the community gathered signatures too, to show support to the affected victims.
I mean, it could do nothing or it could show Activision Blizzard a clear disgust from their customers. Read more

“We will be the change.” Strong and admirable words. Read more

I really, really hope that Guilty Gear’s newfound success and comments like this light a fire under Japanese FG devs’ asses that the community just won’t tolerate the awful netcode they’ve gotten for so long anymore. Read more

Good on the employees. Now if only software and game devs would also just unionize so we can organize some slightly more effective industry wide actions. Read more

If anyone is curious, the “reporter” is ABC news anchor Steve Bell. Dude had a career.

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My wife and I own an arcade bar here in Florida. I’m so happy that after all these decades, the culture is still thriving. Read more

I don’t know why this made me think of EGM’s personalities from back in the day, but I remember reading something where an old EGM writer talked about joining the magazine and how excited they were to meet Sushi-X, only to learn that they were now the new Sushi-X. Read more

I still read my old EGMs. I love reading through the rumor section each month and seeing what really transpired and what ended up being nonsense. Read more

I’ve been reading through old issues of EGM lately. It’s a great time capsule into bygone days, and fun to see first glimpses of games that would later be huge (and also hyped games that turned out to be pretty bad... Or cancelled). Read more

How often do you pull them out and read them? Back in college I was working a warehouse job that could have lots of downtime but due to security concerns my desk computer wasn’t connected to the internet. As a result I started grabbing whatever reading materical I could find from home and bringing it to work, which Read more

Nostalgia mags? Got them covered :)